How to Volunteer
WestPAC volunteers contribute actively or on a project basis in all phases of our operation to manage and maintain the Westport Public Art Collections and to help raise funds to support its care, conservation, and educational uses.
Our volunteers are dedicated women and men of all ages and backgrounds who act as hands-on representatives or advisors. Volunteers share an active interest in the artwork, but an art history background or expertise is not required, as we provide training and direction. Our members include: school parents, whose children are starting their education or about to graduate; town residents; artists; collectors; educators; and those with experience in technology, graphic design and museum fields.
Want to volunteer?
We need you! We can’t stress enough how important volunteers are to us. Everyone’s contribution adds to our success and effort. The more parents and residents who contribute, the lighter the load, the better the Collection, the greater the impact, and the more our schools and community will benefit.
To learn more or join, please click here to download and complete the Volunteer Interest Form, then email it to westpac@westport.k12.ct.us
You can get involved with WestPAC in two ways:
WestPAC Committee is a newly created subcommittee of Westport’s Arts Advisory Committee (and had operated as the former PTA WSPAC subcommittee). It was designated steward of the Town, WPA and WSPAC Art Collections by the First Selectman, Superintendent of Schools and BOE effective 1 July 2016. Committee members, officially named by the Selectman, shall include the Town Curator and all other school parent and resident representatives needed to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the committee and collection’s use and care per the BOE Policy P6161.3 [can we hyperlink policy here] and Collections Management Guidelines [doc and link to come]. The committee meets quarterly, and as needed for special and ongoing projects.
Volunteers work together during the year to research, catalog and preserve the Collection. They may serve as a rep/curator of a school (preferably where their child attends) or municipal building where they keep an eye out for the collection, help hang works of art and organize rotating exhibits, and support teachers’ and administrators’ needs and requests.
“Friends” of WestPAC, Inc. is an independent nonprofit 501(c)3 organization newly created to support WestPAC in many ways. Its goals are to develop programs and campaigns that build awareness and, most importantly, raise funds to help support the care, conservation, maintenance, display and educational uses of Westport’s Public Art Collections for present and future generations of students and residents.