Westport Public Art Collections (WestPac) is best described as “a museum without walls.” Art can be seen everywhere!
WestPAC includes over 1,800 works of art in a broad range of media — paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints, illustrations, cartoons, photographs, sculptures and murals — by notable American artists, giants of the international art world, and important artists who established their homes and studios in the Westport-Weston community.
These artworks were acquired primarily through gifts, mostly given by the artists themselves or donated by heirs, collectors and gallery owners, and are catalogued in these three core collections:
Westport Schools Permanent Art Collection (WSPAC)
In 1964 Westport Public Schools educator Burt Chernow founded the WSPAC Collection, entrusted to the BOE, with the vision that original art be a daily part of the educational environment of every student.
Westport Art Collection
This collection, entrusted to the Town, includes original works of art intended to support and promote the artistic and cultural heritage of Westport.
Works Progress Administration Collection
The federal art programs of President Roosevelt’s New Deal economic recovery plans of the 1930s and 1940s included murals and other artwork commissioned for municipal and school buildings. Today, the Town of Westport is the steward of these federally owned works, most of which have been restored and remain on public view.
Search the Collection
WestPAC’s newly designed website, with improved access and navigability, offers students, teachers and public information on the art and artists in the collection along with educational resources.
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Enter one or two words — Artist, Title, Subject, Media or ID number — in the Search box on the upper right; click [Search icon] or hit Return
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Click on the Search pull down menu; click Advanced Search and enter the heading, subject or topic terms; then click Search.